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Wimberley Inc. WH-200 Head - Version II

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Key Features

  • Type: Gimbal, long lens support
  • Material: not specified
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Key Features

  • Type: Gimbal, long lens support
  • Material: not specified

Wimberley Inc. WH-200 Head - Version II

  • UPC:


  • Type
    Gimbal, long lens support
  • Height Cm
    23.5 cm
  • Weight Kg
    1.4 kg
  • Tilting Range Degrees
    Not specified
  • Panning Range Degrees
  • Plate Type
    Plate not included. Arca-Swiss style quick-release clamp
  • Additional Features
    <STRONG>About the Wimberley Head</STRONG><br>The Wimberley Head is a specialized tripod head for telephoto lenses. Its gimbal-type design allows you to rotate your lens around its center of gravity and thus easily manipulate very large lenses. Since
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    its introduction in 1991, the Wimberley Head has become the industry standard for serious nature photographers.<br><br><STRONG>Design Improvements for Version II </STRONG><br><em>"I thought the old Wimberley Head was good. Then I got the new version,
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    which is even better! ...You've outdone yourselves on this one." <STRONG> - John Shaw</STRONG></em><br><br>The Wimberley Head Version II offers the same stiffness, capacity, and fluid movement of the old version in a more compact and lightweight pac
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    kage (it is one pound lighter and about two inches shorter). The head's redesigned panning base has zero play, and the pan locking knob has been moved to the side of the head, thus allowing the user to easily operate both knobs with the same hand. Ne
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    w lobed “soft-touch” knobs provide a more comfortable grip and perform better when using gloves.<br><br>In addition to the above improvements, Wimberley has examined all aspects of the head, tightening tolerances, improving friction materials and so
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    forth. Our goal has been to make this head functionally and aesthetically better in every way than the old version and competing products.<br><br><STRONG>Lens Compatibility</STRONG><br>The Wimberley Head Version II will adjust to fit virtually any te
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    lephoto lens with a rotation collar. It is ideally suited for large lenses (300mm f/2.8 or bigger). The Nikon 600mm and 400mm lenses may require a replacement foot.<br><br><STRONG>Quick-Release Specification </STRONG><br>The Wimberley Head Version II
  • Additional Features
    has a built-in, Arca-Swiss style quick-release clamp; It is not available in a non-quick-release model. In order to use the head, your lens must be equipped with an Arca-Swiss style lens plate. We sell a comprehensive line of such plates that have
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    unique advantages over competing products<br><br><STRONG>Flash Bracket Compatibility</STRONG><br>The F-9 Wimberley Head Version II Flash bracket is made specifically for the new head. It attaches directly to the Arca-Swiss Style dovetail on the arm o
  • Additional Features
    f the Wimberley Head Version II.<br><STRONG>If you already have the F-4 Bracket for the Old-Style Wimberley Head, you have 2 options:</STRONG><br>1)You can replace the main upright module of your F-4 bracket with Module M-9.<br>2) You can purchase th
  • Additional Features
    e FA-9 Flash Bracket Adapter. This adapter slides onto the swing arm of the Wimberley Head II, and allows you to use you old-style (F-4) bracket.<br><br><STRONG>Why does my old bracket not fit?</STRONG><br>The dovetail on the swinging arm of the new
  • Additional Features
    Wimberley Head, which allows you to adjust the platform up and down, has the Arca-Swiss geometry. This was not true of the old version of the head.
  • Head Mount Thread Type
    3/8'' - 16 screw
  • Material
    not specified


Additional Features

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