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Wimberley Inc. PP-200 The Plamp II

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Wimberley Inc. PP-200 The Plamp II

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  • Type
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  • Compatibility
    <strong>Tripod Compatibility:</strong><br />The Plamp II will attach to tripod legs whose diameter is between 0.9 and 1.4 inches (23 to 35mm). This includes Gitzo series 1,2,&amp; 3 tripods and nearly all commonly used Bogen (Manfrotto) tripods.<br /
  • Compatibility
    ><strong>Lens Compatibility:</strong><br />The Plamp II is 23&rdquo; long, which is perfect for 100mm and smaller macro lenses. If you wish to use longer lenses with the Plamp, you may wish to extend its length with the PP-222 Large Link Plamp Extens
  • Compatibility
  • Overview
    One end of the Plamp clamps to your tripod while the other grasps the object. Use the Plamp to stabilize windblown subjects, adjust the position or angle of your subject, or move obstructing foliage. You can also use the Plamp to hold reflectors and
  • Overview
    lens shades. One day in the field with a Plamp and you will begin to realize its full potential. And now, the newly redesigned Plamp II is even better.<br /><strong>Uses for the Plamp II in the Field</strong><br />1) Steady wind-blown plants for ambi
  • Overview
    ent light photography.<br />2) To hold reflectors, diffusers or small flashlights.<br />3) Make small adjustments in your subject to align it with the film plane.<br />4) Move your subject into the desired angle for lighting (i.e. back lighting, side
  • Overview
    lighting, and front lighting)<br />5) Change the orientation of your subject to make an impossible camera angle into an easy one.<br />6) Move your subject so that it is in front of the desired background.<br />7) Move distracting background or fore
  • Overview
    ground elements out of the way.<br />8) Move desirable background or foreground elements into the picture.<br />9) To hold a small shade to block light from hitting your lens and causing flare.<br />10) Great for studio use.<br /><strong>Specs.</stro
  • Overview
    ng><ul><li>Weight: 7.9oz (224g)</li><li>Length: 23 inches (58.5 cm)</li><li>Maximum Holding Capacity: ~8oz (227g) depending on position</li><li>Maximum Clip Jaw Opening: 1 inch (2.54cm)</li></ul>


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