TypeArca-Swiss Style Lens Plate
OverviewWe offer a line of Arca-Swiss style quick-release plates for collared lenses. Our plates have important innovative features that distinguish them from other plates on the market.<br><br><STRONG>Dual Safety Stops</STRONG><br><br>Safety stops at the fr
Overviewont and back of our plates keep your expensive lens from accidentally slipping out of the quick-release clamp. If you wish to use only one or neither of these stops, simply remove them with the hex key provided. <br><br>Note: The two stop screws will
Overviewstraddle the length of most quick-release clamps. However, the stop screws do limit the amount of forward-backward adjustment available. Wimberley quick-release clamps have special channels that solve this problem. <br><br><STRONG>Flash Bracket Vers
Overviewatility</STRONG>Our plates are designed to accept RRS & Kirk flash brackets as well as our own quick-release flash brackets.<br><br><STRONG>Double-Dovetail Cross Section</STRONG><br><br>Our unique double-dovetail design allows you to attach Wimberley
Overviewquick-release flash brackets to the upper or lower surface of the plate.<br><br><STRONG>Anti-Twist Nubs</STRONG><br><br>The P-10, P-20, and P-30 plates have anti-twist nubs at the back of the plate. These help to keep the plate from twisting if it i
Overviews mounted with only one fastener. The unique dual-nub design (as opposed to a single continuous flange) provides better performance when butted against a curved surface. The P-40 and P-50 plates do not have anti-twist nubs because they should be atta
Overviewched with more than one screw., 5.88" long, 3 screws <br>Dimensions (Overall L x W x H): 5.88 x 1.5 x .38 in<br>Weight: 4.5 Oz (plate, mounting screws, stop screw)<br><br>
Compatibility<STRONG>Compatibility Warning</STRONG><br><br>Safety stop screws on our plates work best with Wimberley quick-release clamps. Our clamps have channels of a specific depth that go almost to the center. These channels allow a full range of forward and
Compatibilityback motion but will not let the plate slip out if the clamp becomes a little loose. <br><br>Our stop screws may or may not work well, or at all, with other manufacturers' quick-release clamps. Some clamps may have channels that are too shallow or de
Compatibilityep for our plate stops to work effectively. Some do not have channels at all, but the stop screws may catch on the outside of the clamp sufficiently to prevent the plate from sliding through. However, fore-aft movement will be limited so you may need
Compatibilityto use a longer plate in this situation. <br><br>Arca-Swiss Z1 users: The safety-stop security feature of our plates does not work when used with the Arca-Swiss “double-decker” screw-knob quick-release or lever-release (flip-lock) clamp. We recommen
Compatibilityd replacing the double-decker clamp with our C-10AS modified clamp, or ordering the Z1 ball head without a quick-release clamp and installing our C-10AS, if this safety feature is important to you. Please contact us for details.<br><br>