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Fujifilm Clean and Check


Join us for a special Free Fujifilm Clean and Check Sensor Cleaning event! Ensure your camera is in top condition with our professional sensor cleaning service. Perfect for photographers of all levels, this event offers a thorough check-up and cleaning to keep your gear performing at its best.

Saturday, June 22nd 10am-4pm    Click Here to Reserve a Time

What's Included:

  • Sensor Cleaning: Remove dust and debris from your camera sensor for clearer, sharper images.
  • Firmware Updates: Ensure your camera is running the latest software for optimal performance.
  • Technical Check-Up: Our experts will inspect your camera for any issues and provide recommendations.
  • Prouduct Demonstration: Get expert advice, hands-on demonstrations, and personalized support directly from a Fujifilm professional John Haggerty, Senior Product Technical Specialist
  • Exclusive Savings: In-store Saving and Instant Rebates on on select Fujifilm gear.

Questions? Call 215-547-2841

Call us for advice

PA Local 1-215-547-2841
Toll Free 1-888-547-2841

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